Meet The Spacewriter Links to sites of Interest The Library and Gift Shop The Spacewriter's Blog Henrietta Leavitt Flat Screen Space Theater Visions of the Cosmos Gallery About this website Home Page
About this web site

Welcome toThe! I am a science writer and astronomer by trade. If you are looking for someone to write, narrate, or advise you on astronomy outreach content, you've reached the right place. I've written documentary scripts for vodcasts and planetarium shows, books and articles about astronomy. I've edited magazines, tech articles, reports, and proposals, and worked with astronomers on a variety of projects. My latest works, which are outlined on my "services" pages, include an entire astronomy exhibit for Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, and vodcasts for MIT's Haystack Observatory.

Beyond a handy place to read about my work and figure out if you want to hire me, this site is also a place of space and astronomy exploration. Some pages have evolved into a " helping people fall in love with astronomy" theme as readers write to ask about astronomy books and products. So I've put some of my favorite books on review — and will be adding links to if you're interested in checking them out for yourself.

What's here for you to enjoy?

Since astronomy pictures are what got me interested in the stars so long ago, I've devoted a gallery called "Visions of the Cosmos" to the coolest astro pics that cross my screen. That also happens to be the title of my last book, published by Cambridge University Press in November 2003.

I've been maintaining my own Weblog, thanks to the folks at, for quite a while as well as a planetarium show. Both fulfill my need to share astronomy news, events, sky sights, or my ruminations on a variety of subjects (usually, but not always) devoted to astronomy. "The Planetarium Show That Never Ends" is one of the oldest parts of, but is one that people write to me about again and again. Those of you who know me are aware of my work in the planetarium field might recognize some planetarium "style" in the show. If you haven't been here before, check it out.

The Helen Sawyer Hogg Library has been updated and I've added links to for most of the books I've reviewed. I've also added an astro-related products page, which includes a look at some binoculars, telescopes, and even some some space music CDs.

A word about the site: Some of the images here are a bit larger than usual, because I wanted to bring the full glory of the objects to the viewer. So, if a page or an image seems to load a bit slowly occasionally, please be patient. To paraphrase Q, "The Universe has wonders to satiate even the most jaded." To be satiated here is worth the wait.

Many of the images I've presented here are from easily-accessible sites like the Space Telescope Science Institute, the Gemini Observatory, or the European Southern Observatory. I've noted those sources throughout the site. There are also some images and stylistic elements used with their creators' permission. More information on copyrighted materials can be found on my word about copyrights page.

Students, Teachers, and Parents

I know a lot of students and teachers like to come here for visits and I think that's great! I appreciate the many, many links you've made to my site and hope you return to visit often! I make a strong effort to police all the links FROM my page to other pages to make sure they're appropriate for student and family viewing. I can't control what these other pages publish, of course, and over time some of them might change. So, please surf safely, and by all means let me know if any site I've linked to has problems.

Obligatory Disclaimers

As you browse this site, you'll notice that on a few pages I'm recommending products that you can purchase through By and large these are products I've tried myself and can recommend to you based on my experience with them. I'm also allowing Google to place space science and astronomy-appropriate advertising on a few pages, and I try to monitor each of the companies whose ads appear here. As with any online shopping experience, please be careful about sharing your personal and credit information, and please do check out any purchase and/or company before you buy. While I'm not responsible for your experience with these third-party vendors, I do urge you to apply all the usual rules of shopping that you apply in brick-and-mortar stores.